Instructions / Circulars / Orders

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S.No. Branch Circular / Instn. / O.O. No.
Subject Publish Date Console Sl. No.
1 राजभाषा 13-01-2025 महानिदेशक की अध्यक्षता में दिनांक 24 दिसंबर, 2024 को संपन्न क.रा.बी. निगम मुख् यालय की विभागीय राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति की 188 वीं बैठक का कार्यवृत्त । size:(3.22 MB) .
2025-01-13 19489/2025
2 E.I 13-01-2025 Retirement of Group A B officers Non-medical on superannuation during the period 02.01.2025 to 01.01.2026 size:(119.94 KB) .
2025-01-13 19488/2025
3 Med.VI 13-01-2025 Office order No. 03 of 2025 size:(184.15 KB) .
2025-01-13 19486/2025
4 E.II 13-01-2025 Transfer Posting policy of officials on the Administrative side of ESIC drawing scale of pay correspondence to Group C officials of the Central Government size:(791.69 KB) .
2025-01-13 19485/2025
5 E.I 13-01-2025 Retirement of Assistant Director Adhoc Manager Gr. I Adhoc SSO Br. Mgr. Gr. II Supdt. during the period from 01.01.2025 to 31.12.2025. size:(124.80 KB) .
2025-01-13 19481/2025
6 Rev.II 10-01-2025 Conducting Perception Survey on Emerging Technologies, Job Creation and Challenges by Labour bureau-regarding size:(2.93 MB) .
2025-01-10 19473/2025
7 RC Cell 09-01-2025 Information w.r.t willingness of Firms Products under Extension of DG-ESIC rate Contract Nos. 142C, 143C,144C,145C, 146C and 149,150,151,152,153-reg. size:(564.67 KB) .
51 List of willing Firms PDF 142C-146C size:(232.49 KB) .
47 Willing Firms RC 149-153 size:(291.88 KB) .
20 Partial Firms 142C-146C size:(244.91 KB) .
04 Partial Willing Firms RC 149-153 size:(228.90 KB) .
03 Non Willing Firm RC 149-153 size:(270.99 KB) .
07 Non Willing, 07 No response Firms size:(88.26 KB) .
List of 335 item under extension in RC _149 to 153 size:(228.90 KB) .
List of 517 Drugs in DG-ESICRC 142C-146C size:(230.66 KB) .
2025-01-09 19462/2025
8 E.I 09-01-2025 Office Order NO. 09 Of 2025 size:(131.74 KB) .
2025-01-09 19454/2025
9 राजभाषा 09-01-2025 निगम की क्षेत्रवार सर्वश्रेष्ठ गृहपत्रिका वर्ष-2023-2024 प्रतियोगिता की सूचना के संबंध में। size:(485.13 KB) .
2025-01-09 19453/2025
10 Med.VI 09-01-2025 List of vacant administrative posts, reg. size:(192.78 KB) .
2025-01-09 19451/2025

Last updated / Reviewed : 2025-01-13



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